In an article I read online: I read the following:
כרמל (Karmel) is comprised of two (opposite) terms: רך with the meaning soft and not yet matured (riped), and מלא meaning full and ripe. Together they convey the meaning of כרמל that the grain is neither moist nor dry, but somewhere in between.
הכא נמי כרמלית אינו לא כרשות היחיד ולא כרשות הרבים
Similarly here too by the רשית of a כרמלית is neither like a רה"י nor like a רה"ר but somewhere in between.
Could someone help me to translate these two phrases:
הכא נמי כרמלית אינו לא כרשות היחיד ולא כרשות הרבים
Is neither like a רה"י nor like a רה"ר but somewhere in between
I don't understand them, and I would like to know what the writer is saying here.