In Gittin 46b-47a it discusses the laws when one sells himself to a non-Jew. There it recounts that Reish Lakish sold himself to the Ludai (לודאי). Rashi (end of 46b) and Sefer haAruch explain that this was a race of cannibals. However the translation on Sefaria offers the term gladiator instead (this translation is also used by the Jewish Encyclopedia). I know that the town of Lud is mentioned frequently in the gemarah but do not know if that is related to לודאי.
I am asking for sources which explain who the לודאי were other than those I have listed here or sources which explain why the term was translated as cannibals or gladiators. If there is a source which explains לודאי as both (cannibal gladiators) I will accept that as well.