See the the hakdama of the Pri Migadim to Yoreh De'ah in the section titled Klalim BiHoraas Issur ViHeter, #7
'You will see that the Rav z'l (the Ramma) writes asset times vihachi nahog, it implies that he is writing this to say this is how one should act from now on. And when he writes vichein haminhag or vichein nohagin this too has particulars. For sometimes the minhag is only in Krakow, or in that galil(?) and sometimes he means the entire medina, country'.
It is apparent from here that the language you quoted vichein nohagin is not halachicaly binding on other communities who have not accepted them. As opposed to Vihachi Nahog which is a direct command from the 'Rabbi of all the Galus who was accepted upon us to rule in accordance with' as stated in the Pri Migadim in the previous , paragraph, #6.