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Questions pertaining to the soul.
Is there any proof of the existence of the soul?
and mice, but [the giant] Og king of Bashan, dead, does need to be guarded from weasels and mice
that this natural fear animals have of man, which ends with his death, comes from the G-dly spark (the soul …
How are angels categorized in Judaism?
Derech Hashem 1:5:1
הרוחניים, הם נבראים משוללים מגשם, בלתי מורגשים מחושינו, ומתחלקים לשני מינים, האחד נשמות, והשני נבדלים. הנשמות, הם מין נבראים רוחניים, התעתדו לבא בתוך גוף, ליגבל בתוכו וליקשר בו בק …
Soul residing in one's mind
לכן עיקר משכנה הוא במוח כלי המחשבה
Thought is the faculty of the soul (Neshama) which teaches the person knowledge and understanding in Torah. …
What is the importance of the human body after death?
Many Jewish thinkers have actually challenged your assumption that the body is merely a "vessel" for the soul. … Therefore, the soul must be reunited with the body to meet the "person's" final destiny. …
Does one get back his neshama in the exact form when resurrected?
I am not entirely sure what we mean when discussing the "state" of a neshama, but the Ramchal in several places discusses the concept that when the neshama comes back to the body it will be at a much …
What's "chelek Eloak mimaal"?
ומשתלשל כחבל עד בואה לגוף האדם
Man, appropriately perfected, has his roots planted above in the supernal source of his soul, and passes through millions of worlds until it reaches the other extreme and … It is a description of the loftiness of the position which the purely spiritual soul of man occupies. …
Do spirits/souls have genders?
The Zohar writes that the Patriarch Yitzchok had the soul of a female.
Additionally, the Arizal explained that Michal wore tefillin because she had a male soul. …
Yom Kippur - Soul or Body
The word נפש is not limited to mean strictly "souls." It often means something along the lines of "life force" or "being." When someone kills someone else, the Torah refers to it as having struck th …
Soulmate for someone who died unwed
Rather, the "mission" of these soul-fractions is to create new combinations of souls. … This is because of how the Ramchal understands reincarnation - if a soul fulfilled, say, 70% of its purpose, then only 30% of that soul would need further completion and come back. …
Am I a body with a soul or a soul with a body?
He said that when one sleeps, 4 parts of the soul leave, while the lowest part of the soul remains with the body. The "me" in this prayer is that lowest level of soul, but not the body. … So from here and from several other places in the Zohar, it seems that you are a soul with a body. …
What are the implications of karet?
To answer the first part of the question, the Rambam in the introduction to Chelek writes:
והמקמה הגמורה היא שתכרת הנפש ותאבד ושלא יהיה לה קיום והוא הכרת האמור בתורה. וענין הכרת הכרתת הנפש ... וכל מי …
Is the brain the seat of the soul?
לבד משרע"ה שזכה לעצמותה תוך גופו
The Neshama (soul) is, so to speak, in Hashem's mouth, and the Neshama does not enter at all into the body of the person. …