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Jewish law. Specifically, the legal process beginning with the written Torah and continuing through the Mishna, Talmud, and the legal codes (e.g., Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch). // NOTE: Like Wikipedia, this site makes no guarantee of validity, and does not offer professional (particularly rabbinic) advice. Treat information from this site like it came from a crowd of your friends.

8 votes

Is it permitted to eat dirt?

Based on the verse (Lev. 11:43), אל תשקצו את נפשותיכם - "do not make yourselves detestable," there is indeed a halachah that one may not eat things that are disgusting to the average person. Shulchan …
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4 votes

Ma'aseh Rav-the Rabbi did such and such

One part of it, I think, is that the Rav himself has to make sure that his actions will not be misconstrued by observers. We thus find, for example, cases where our Sages acted according to the strict …
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6 votes

Half hour @ the Chanuka candles

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (139:10) gives the rule about half an hour without any further specification, and then further (in the same paragraph) states that the earliest one may light is at plag haminchah …
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4 votes

Snow in Halacha

That you're not allowed to break it up on Shabbos in order to use the melted water (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 320:9).
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11 votes

Chopsticks On Shabbos

Wouldn't it be a clearcut case of "makeh b'patish" (putting the final touch on an object to make it usable)? The chopsticks clearly aren't usable for their intended purpose while they're attached toge …
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8 votes

Reading a newspaper on Shabbat

There may be the issue of shtarei hedyotos - that you're not supposed to read secular material on Shabbos (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 307:12ff).
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7 votes

What is an Eruv?

Another point is to note that an eruv only allows us to circumvent a rabbinical safeguard, not the original Torah law. The Torah prohibits carrying in a reshus harabbim (public domain); there are var …
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10 votes

What potential issues may arise with serving jury duty on Tisha b'Av?

We find that even washing, which is one the actual prohibitions of Tisha B'Av, is permitted in certain cases of necessity (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 554:12-14); sitting on a chair, which is only a c …
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7 votes

At what point is a child considered living

For most halachic purposes, life begins at birth - to be exact, at the emergence of either most of the head for a normal birth, or most of the body if it's a breech birth (Niddah 28a). For that reason …
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11 votes

Sukka in a covered balcony

I'll start with the usual caveat: CYLOR. The more so since someone local will be more familiar with your specific situation. It's pretty basic to the definition of a sukkah that it be under the sky. …
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8 votes

Is there a requirement to stay around after lighting Chanuka candles?

Nitei Gavriel on Chanukah (30:1) cites Shev Yaakov and other sources that one should indeed do so.
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11 votes

Giving over 20% to Tzedakkah

R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi writes (in Iggeres Hateshuvah 3 and Iggeres Hakodesh 10) that the 20% limit applies only to a person who hasn't sinned, or who has done so but then fasted the prescribed numb …
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6 votes

Ceremony to take a woman as a concubine (pilegesh)?

Rambam (Hil. Melachim 4:4) states that a pilegesh (which, in his view, is permissible only to a king) enters into this status "without kesubah and without kiddushin; with yichud alone he acquires her …
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9 votes

An accidental killer who needs to leave the city of refuge

Rambam (Hil. Rotze'ach 7:8) states categorically that the accidental murderer may not leave the Ir Miklat even to rescue lives, or "even if all of the Jewish People need him, like [King David's genera …
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15 votes

Am I allowed to count people?

In the Torah (Ex. 30:11), Hashem commands Moshe to count the Jewish People via half-shekel donations, "so that there not be a plague when they are counted." Later, too, we find David conducting a dire …
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