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5 votes
2 answers

Did Rashi have Talmud Yerushalmi?

Rashi quotes a couple of times from Yerushalmi but doesn't seem to have had regular access to it. This being from the numerous times Rishonim ask on him from it.
Dovid Rosenblatt's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Rashi quoting Yerushalmi on Kodshim

I haven't learned Seder Kodshim before, and I understand there's no Talmud Yerushalmi on Seder Kodshim, but I saw in a bunch of places in maseches Temurah where Rashi quotes "loshon Yerushalmi" (...
robev's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Rashi on Yerushalmi

Why is there no Rashi on Yerushalmi? What can I learn instead? Is there anything that can replace it, and why was it not written?
Rashilover's user avatar