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Why King Solomon wasn't worthy of a share in Olam Haba? [duplicate]

In Sanhedrin 104, the members of the Great Assembly decided that Shlomo does not deserve a share in the World to Come. [Sages enumerated a list of kings that do not deserve a share in Olam Habah] Rav ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why didn't King Shlomo get lashes for marrying more than 18 wives?

It states in the 364th prohibition that a king is forbidden from having too many wives. The limit is that he may not have more than 18 wives legally bound by kesubah and kiddushin. The ...
Daniel Yaacov's user avatar
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Paskening Shlomo out of Shamayim?

R' Yehudah tells us in the name of Shmuel (Sanhedrin 104b) that the Anshei Kenesses HaGedolah wanted to include Shlomo HaMelech on the list of kings who lost their portion of Olam Haba. An image of ...
DonielF's user avatar
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