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Mufla samuch l'ish (מופלא סמוך לאיש)

In the fifth perek of Nidah (45b), one of the mishnayos discusses the idea of מופלא סמוך לאיש. It's a boy or girl a year before bar or bas mitzvah, and they are considered an adult in exactly one way: ...
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A shoteh doesn't vow to donate — isn't this obvious?

The Mishna says (Arachin 1:1): חרש שוטה וקטן נידרין ונערכין אבל לא נודרין ולא מעריכין מפני שאין בהם דעת A deaf-mute, an imbecile, and a minor are the object of a vow and are valuated, but neither vow ...
Leopold says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Is there any time or situation when a father revokes a minor son's vows?

The parsha Matot talks of a father revoking his young daughter's vows. This seems to refer to the time period when the daughter is between 11 and 12 years of age:
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