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Chain of Transmission between Nachum and Rabbi Meyasha

In the Mishnah Peah 2:6, the text seems to suggest that Nachum the scribe received teachings from Rabbi Meyasha: "אָמַר נַחוּם הַלַּבְלָר, מְקֻבָּל אֲנִי מֵרַבִּי מְיָאשָׁא שקבל מאבא, ..." ...
Menachem Drelich's user avatar
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Rambam controversy

I don’t like that I have to ask this but I haven’t heard of this before and would like some information on it. If one holds, for example, that the Rambam literally holds that demons don’t exist, ...
Rardal 's user avatar
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Does Ramban's 8th principle require holding the Masoretic Text to be perfectly preserved? [duplicate]

If Rambam's 8th principle is accepted, is it neccessary to hold that the Masoretic Text is perfectly preserved, and superior to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint in all cases where there are ...
Terjij Kassal's user avatar
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Why was Shlomo haMelekh not a part of the Oral Torah’s transmission?

Reading the Rambam's introduction to his Mishne Torah, I am struck by the fact that he has Achiya haShiloni succeed David in the transmission of the Oral Torah, and not David's son Shlomo. I'm curious ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Succession of Leadership in the Rambam's Introduction to the Mishnah

In the Introduction to the Mishnah, the Rambam lists the leadership through the years from Moshe to Rav Ashi. Is there a source for each link in this chain, showing that successive leaders were ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Torah transmission according to the Rambam

the Rambam in the introduction to Mishne Torah counts 40 generations from Moshe Rabeinu to Rav Ashi (compiler of the talmud) in the transmission of the oral law and lists the names of these sages. ...
ray's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is one allowed to become a Talmid HaRambam?

There is a movement of people (including several MiYodeya users I've seen) who believe in following the teachings of the Rambam exclusively, basing their practical halachot off the Mishneh Torah, ...
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17 votes
7 answers

Why don't we just follow the shittah of Moshe Rabeinu?

My question can apply to virtually all mitzvos where there is a disagreement in the standard way to fulfill them. If one reads the hakdama (introduction) to the Rambam's peirush mishnayos (commentary ...
sam's user avatar
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