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15 votes
4 answers

Why don't we seek converts to Judaism?

Why don't Jews try to convert other people to their religion, outside of Israel? Since Christian and Islamic forces try to make them a minority shouldn't they also try to convert people to grow ...
Tofeeq's user avatar
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Working for (non-Jewish) religious organizations

Is there anything in Jewish law restricting Jews from working for other religious organizations? Some examples: can a Jew work as a receptionist at a Mosque? As a gym teacher at a Catholic school? As ...
wonderingjew's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Laws of Abrogation

To my limited knowledge there is no such thing as "abrogation" within the Tanach. Such would seem to defeat the immutability of G-d's Law. This issue of abrogation comes up a lot in both Christian and ...
Yochanan Michael's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Esav & Yishma'el today

Historically, how did Esav come to be associated with Rome/Christianity? How did Yishma'el come to be associated with Arabs/Islam?
Sam's user avatar
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Prayer in the "House of the One"

I recently read this article on the new "House of the One". The building will feature three separated spaces for prayer: a mosque, a church, and a synagogue. There will be a central courtyard, but ...
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Is one allowed to OWN a King James Bible, Koran, etc.?

Halachically speaking (as opposed to a mere Middos Chassidus), is one allowed to own a book or document of another religion? This question can be divided into sub-questions: 1. Would there be a ...
TORAHistheikur's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Interfaith debates

I've heard that there are halachik issues with interfaith debates. Is there any validity to this? When would it be problematic? Who says it would be problematic? What about the Rabbonim who debated? ...
user613's user avatar
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Are followers of other Abrahamic faiths considered Noachide?

Are Christians, Muslims, Samaritans, Bahais, etc considered Noachide, and do they have a part in the world to come? What about Karaite and Falasha Jews?
Reggie O'Donoghue's user avatar
1 vote
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How does Halacha view someone who converts to Islam? [duplicate]

What is the halachic status of the person who converts to Islam, does he remain a Jew in spite of conversion? I am specifically asking the Muslim case since they don't deny the Torah and believe it to ...
knowit's user avatar
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Is encouraging Islam amongst the gentiles considered a positive act or a negative act? [closed]

Islam is considered a pure monotheism according to Judaism. It's famously the only religion a Jew can convert to in the name of their survival because it doesn't require idolatry to do so. Contrast ...
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