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Moshe taught Aharon the services of the Mishkan

I heard that Moshe Rabeinu taught Aharon Hacohen and his sons how to perform the services of the Mishkan during the first seven days after it's inauguration. Is this correct? If so, where is it ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
11 votes
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How did the Kohanim eat in the Azara?

As far as I know, it was forbidden to sit in the Azara unless you were a king descended from David. So it seems the Kohanim must have been forced to stand while eating their portions of the Kodshei ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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How did the Cohanim walk around the Mizbeach?

I'm finding it very difficult indeed to understand how the Cohanim walked around the Mizbeach on a ledge which was only one Amoh wide but was also six Amos above the floor... Seems to me that they'd ...
Jeremy Rose's user avatar
2 votes
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Purity of Kohanim

If (theoretically) the great Temple was built again, would there be Kohanim pure enough (physically, etc.) to perform the worship and sacrifices?
Digityogi's user avatar
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Should Cohanim and Levi'im prioritize their knowledge and study of sacrificial laws, today?

My understanding of Mashi'ach related to this question: According to one of Maimonides's principles, we are to expect it to come at any time The Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices will be offered, ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can one bring a Korban nowadays?

Assuming we don't have a problem with the Dome of the rock. Has anyone discussed sacrifices nowadays regarding: Can (and should) one bring sacrifices nowadays as we don't know the exact location for ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Where did the Levitical priesthood go?

Has the sacrificial system of the Torah been abandoned? Do those in the Tribe of Levi still act as priest? I have just never seen or heard of anyone making sacrifices of animals or going to a ...
Todd Moses's user avatar