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Questions tagged [artificial-lifeform]

For questions relating to Golems, androids, robots, creatures made with kabbalistic knowledge, and any other artificially created creatures.

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4 votes
1 answer

Kol Isha applicable to AI generated music?

Does Kol Isha apply to songs generated by AI? For instance, there's a website that allows one to generate music. If a female singer who doesn't even exist is singing, is a man ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Intelligent machines and their Halachic status

Given the recent advances in machine learning, such as the OpenAI GPT-3 (e.g. chatbot), it is not unreasonable to expect that artificial general intelligence (AGI) will be achieved in the foreseeable ...
user9806's user avatar
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If an AI is programmed to be a Rabbi learn all that is required for a Semikhah or to be Jewish, if it makes a blessing does it count?

Let's say programmers create an AI robot that is conscious and programmed to be a Rabbi, can it receive a Semikhah? If so, if it outputs blessings are they valid?
Jewish Art's user avatar
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Is asking an AI to illustrate Torah scenes a problem, if it might try to draw Hashem?

I am a software developer and I've been experimenting with a variety of artificial intelligence that draws a picture based on a piece of provided text. (More specifically, I'm using VQGAN/CLIP and it ...
Yeremiyahu Habavli's user avatar
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Holy Artificial intelligence?

If Ai became a reality and self-aware, able-bodied robots akin to humans were commonplace, would it be pious to convert the AI's to Judaism? Essentially, if a non-human wants to become Jewish, can we ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Artificial Intelligence writing Divrei Torah

There have been a number of artificial intelligence machine learning systems over the last few years which have been given samples of artwork and music and have produced new creative works. I haven't ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Can a Gentile create a Golem?

There is evidence that a Jew is permitted to create a Golem (though, as @ezra points out, there is evidence the other way as well in Sanhedrin 65b). Whether or not creating one is physically possible ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Can a robot count in a minyan?

Can a robot count in a minyan? This answer brings that a robot is not Mechuyav in Mitzvot. I'd like to know if there are sources stating any other reasons (if any).
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Is AGI possible according to Judaism?

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now, and AGI "General Intelligence" has always just been a couple of decades away. So I've been wondering: We believe that a human differs from an animal ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Creating things with the Sefer Yetzirah?

According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 65b), the Rabbis of the Talmud used the system of the Sefer Yetzirah to miraculously create a calf every Friday and would eat it on the Sabbath. Rabbi Avraham ...
ray's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Could this passage have any relevance to artificial intelligence?

I've seen numerous different discussions online about how to handle artificial intelligence with regards to moral laws. How should we, as orthodox Jews, dispatch of these problems? I turn to this law ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
5 votes
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sefer Yetzirah ox goring,or Golem damages

If an ox made from sefer Yetzirah gored a regular ox, or vice versa, or if a golem hit someone is there any Torah obligation to pay for damages that was inflicted? I used the classic example of ...
sam's user avatar
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Is a "Golem" the same thing as a person created through Sefer Yetzirah?

Is a "Golem" the same thing as a person created through Sefer Yetzirah? Please be clear with your answer.
AEML's user avatar
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19 votes
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Was there a GOLEM?

was there really a golem made in Prague that was alive and interacted with other people? I heard that this story was nothing more than a made up tale in a children's book. Does anyone know the real ...
In Search of EMeTh's user avatar
7 votes
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Robot as a competent proxy?

Would those who hold that a minor can serve as an agent in Jewish law (for a d'var r'shus - discretionary act, not a mitzva) hold similarly for a sufficiently intelligent and self-aware robot? The ...
WAF's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Does Robot = Golem?

Would an anthropomorphic robot who could communicate with and do the bidding of humans qualify Halachicaly as a Golem? Would new rulings have to be devised for their status?
Ze'ev haKohen's user avatar
9 votes
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P'sak halacha by AI?

How good does artificial intelligence need to be before we can turn to a robot for piskei halacha? The accepted reason that even the most knowledgeable people need to ask legal advice from poskim is ...
WAF's user avatar
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13 votes
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How Kabbalistically accurate is the golem-making procedure described in "Niflaos Maharal"?

There's been plenty of discussion about the historic authenticity of "Niflaos Maharal", a book that appeared in the early 1900s describing how the Maharal made a Golem to defend the Jews against blood ...
Shalom's user avatar
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