Mas'e 33:50–56:
God said to Moses…:
Speak to the Jews, and tell them:
When you[plural] cross the Jordan to Canaan land: you[plural] shall get rid of the land's dwellers from before you[plural]; you[plural] shall destroy all their bowing-floors; you[plural] shall destroy all their formed idols; and you[plural] shall destroy all their altars. You[plural] shall empty out the land and you[plural] shall dwell in it, for I have given you[plural] the land to inherit it. You[plural] shall bequeath the land via a lottery to your[plural] families: to the many, you[plural] shall increase his plot; to the few, you[singular] shall decrease his plot; to wherever the lottery came out for him, it shall be for him; according to the tribes of your[plural] fathers shall you[plural] self-assign plots. And if you[plural] won't get rid of the land's dwellers from before you[plural], then the ones that remain of them will be as nails in your[plural] eyes and as thorns in your[plural] sides, and they will bother you[plural] on the land you[plural] are dwelling on; and as I thought to do to them, I will do to you[plural].
Why is that one singular verb "you[singular] shall decrease" ("תַּמְעִיט") in there?
Note: I've looked in the following resources for an answer to this question, to no avail: Yalkut Shim'oni, Sifre, Midrash Raba, Onkelus, so-called Yonasan ben Uziel, R. Saadya Gaon (Hebrew), Rashi (and also: Amar N'ke, Mizrachi, L'vush, Taz, Gur Arye, Sifse Chachamim), R. Bachya b. Asher, Ramban, Rashbam, ibn Ezra, Chizkuni, Daas Z'kenim, Ralbag, Rosh, Baal Haturim (short and long), Tol'dos Yitzchak (R. Yitzchak Karo), Alshich, Abarbanel, Yaer/Passhegen (on Onkelus), K'le Yakar, S'forno, Or Hachayim, Minchas Shay, Haamek Davar, R. S. R. Hirsch (English), Malbim, Tora T'mima, Tosefes B'racha, Hak'sav V'hakabala, Meshech Chochma, Havanas Hamikra (R. Vulf Heidenheim), Har'chasim L'vik'a, Yen Hatov (on the targumin), Shaare Aharon, Tora Sh'lema, R. Aryeh Kaplan, Emes L'yaakov (R. Kamenetsky). Nor does the version of Tol'dos Aharon that I checked have anything for verse 54. I do note that Onkelus renders it as "you[plural] shall decrease".