What do the words ("SheTishreh" & "Milfanecha") mean? Do they have a source in Tanach?
I found them in Avraham Fried's song "Matzliach".
Yehi ratzon milfanecha
Shetishreh shechinah
bema’asey yedeichem
What do the words ("SheTishreh" & "Milfanecha") mean? Do they have a source in Tanach?
I found them in Avraham Fried's song "Matzliach".
Yehi ratzon milfanecha
Shetishreh shechinah
bema’asey yedeichem
Rashi says this was Moshe's blessing in the verse (Shemot 39:43)
And Moses saw all the work, and, behold, they had done it; as Hashem had commanded, even so had they done it. And Moses blessed them.
Milfanecha = in front of you
Shetishreh = may it rest (or stay)
It means
May it be Your will that Hashem's presence rest on the work of your hands
mbloch's answer answers most of your question, but not the
Do they [=the words "SheTishreh" and "Milfanecha"] have a source in Tanach?
part. So I'll address that here.
מלפניך / mil'fanecha, "from before you", is from the noun פנים, "face/front", which appears numerous times in Tanach. The form mil'fanecha appears I think ten times (Ex. 23:28; Deut. 9:4, 28:31, 31:3; Ⅱ Sam 7:15; Jer. 18:23; Ps. 17:2, 51:13; Neh. 3:37; Ⅰ Chr. 29:12).
שתשרה / shetishre, "that it imbue", is from a root שרה that as far as I can tell does not appear in Tanach.