I have two related questions about the fast day addition to the Amida "Anenu b'yom tzom taaniteinu":
If an individual is fasting when he says mincha, but he plans to break the fast after mincha, should he say Anenu? I recall being told to do so, but instructions/commentary in some prayer books say it is said at mincha and not Shacharit because the assumption is that one who is still fasting at mincha time will complete the fast. If the person knows that for him that assumption is false, should he say Aneinu?
In shacharit, if enough people are fasting that the chazan would say Aneinu, the community would read the fast day Torah reading, etc, but the expectation is that most of the minyan will break their fast after Shacharit (I expect this would come up in an old age home or the like) does the chazzan still say Aneinu? If the shaliach tzibur himself plans to break the fast after shacharit, should he say aneinu? Should they choose a different shaliach tzibur?