When a beis din is undecided (e.g. when adjudicating monetary cases or Dinei Nefashos), judges can be added until the beis din reaches a maximum size of 71.
Why is a beis din's maximum size 71? Why what does the number 71 symbolize?
Source for the halacha (link):
רמב"ם הלכות סנהדרין פרק ח
אחד אומר זכאי ואחד אומר חייב ואחד אומר איני יודע... היו מחצה למחצה ואחד אומר איני יודע הרי אלו מוסיפין שנים אחרים, וכן אם נסתפק הדבר מוסיפין והולכין עד שבעים ואחד, הגיעו לשבעים ואחד ואמרו שלשים וחמשה חייב ושלשים וחמשה זכאי ואחד אומר איני יודע נושאים ונותנים עמו עד שיחזור לדברי הצד האחד.
Halacha 2
The following laws apply when there is a difference of opinion within a court of three judges with regard to a monetary issue… If one says that his claim should be vindicated and one says he is liable… and the third judge says: "I do not know," we add another two judges. Thus five judges debate the matter…
If, in this situation as well, the opinions are evenly balanced and one says: "I don't know," or in any situation that there is a doubt, we continue to add two more judges until we reach 71 judges. If, after reaching 71, the issue is still unresolved, i.e., 35 hold him liable, and 35 wish to vindicate his claim and one says: "I don't know," they debate the matter until the judge who has not made up his mind sides with one of the opinions…