Due to the fact that we cannot say His ineffable name, I would like to know what are considered ways of referring to Hashem that are loving, close and personal, rather than respectful (not to say that they should be disrespectful of course, ch'v).
All the generally used names I can think of are mainly just highly respectful names:
- Hashem - "The Name"
- (Adon-ay - "My Lord", not generally used in speech outside of prayer)
- HaKadosh Baruch Hu - "The Holy One Blessed Be He"
- Ribono Shel Olam - "The Master of the World"
- The Aibishter - "The High One"
All of these names denote high respect, and awe. While it may be said that we have come to say these terms affectionately, in-and-of-themselves, they are not affectionate terms and in fact carry with them a sense of im-personalness and distance. I might imagine that "Elokai" (my God) would be quite affectionate and personal, but we generally aren't allowed to say it (and while it might be possible to prove we can say it, it's still controversial so not an ideal solution)!
Are there any terms found in Tanach or the works of Chazal that are more personal, close and affection in-and-of-themselves? Terms/names that are permissible to use in every day speech of course. If not in Tanach or older works of Chazal, what about newer names that come from various minhagim such as Yiddish or Ladino names etc.?
Thank you.
Sincere apologies in advance if there's a blindingly obvious one that I just haven't thought of. I do that a lot...