The repeated paragraph in Selichot that introduces the Thirteen Attributes includes the phrase "increasingly grants pardon to careless sinners and foregiveness to willful ones" (Artscroll Siddur tranlsation). I have seen at least three different vowelizations of the Hebrew text of this phrase (capitalizations are to emphasize the differences):
- marbeh mechila LEchatta-im uselicha LAposhe'im (e.g. Artscroll)
- marbeh mechila LAchatta-im uselicha LAposhe'im (e.g. Chabad (PDF))
- marbeh mechila LEchatta-im uselicha LEfoshe'im (I forget where, but I've definitely seen it, probably in an older Machzor or Selichot book.)
Usually, "le" would mean "to," while "la," would mean "to the."
- Why are there different versions of this?
- Do the different versions imply different meanings?
- Why does Version 1 apparently include "the" for the second class of sinners, but not the first?
- Why is Artscroll's translation, which omits a "the" for the second class of sinners, apparently inconsistent with its version (1) of the Hebrew text?