Connected to this question.
In the discussion of the relationship between the Nachash and Chava, as related in Masechet Avoda Zara, 22b, the Chidushei Agadot summarizes opinions about the connection between the two:
מפרש"י פרק חבית כשנתן לה עצה לאכול מן העץ בא עליה דכתיב הנחש השיאני לשון נשואין עכ"ל ובנזיר הוסיף ביאור והיינו דקאמר לנחש כי עשית זאת איזה מעשה עשה אלא שבא על חוה כו' עכ"ל ע"ש
He cites Rashi from Mas. Shabbat 146a, that the snake gave Chava an idea, and then the possible connection between hisi'ani and n'su'in
The C"A then (it seems) he says that in Masechet Nazir, the explanation is continued and includes a more explicit statement about physical relations. It seems (to my simple reading) that he is attributing this also to Rashi, but the Rashi that I found (Nazir 23b) reads only
בשעה שבא נחש וכו' '
and doesn't go any further (and I don't see other commentaries on the words which fill in what the claimed additions are).
Does anyone know of a fuller text of Rashi, or of another commentator, who says what the Chidushei Agadot claims is there, or can anyone help me understand the C"A in a different way?2