Is there a comprehensive list of all the punishments for the 365 negative commandments?
The Rambam in Hilchos Sanhedrin reveals 243 (see below)--
what are the punishments for transgressing the other 122 negative commandments and where can this be found?
36 [capital punishment] - people killed by Beis Din (Hilchos Sanhedrin 15:13)
21 [kareit] - negative commandments that are punishable by kerait, but which are not punishable by execution by the court, for which lashes are administered (Hilchos Sanhedrin 19:1)
18 [misas b'dei shamayim] negative commandments that are punishable by death by the hand of heaven, whose transgression involve a deed, for which lashes are administered (Hilchos Sanhedrin 19:2)
168 [lashes] - negative commandments who are neither punishable by kerait, nor by execution by the court, for which lashes are administered.(Hilchos Sanhedrin 19:4)