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Sukkot begins on the 15th of Tishrei and lasts for 7 days, plus an additional day (two outside of Israel) of Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. It is the festival of booths ("tabernacles"), one of the three main chagim.
Why tie the Lulav?
The Mordechai (Moed 749) quotes the Raavan who writes that the custom around him was to make three knots on the Lulav, symbolizing the three patriarchs. This custom is recorded by Rama in OC 651:1. Th …
Do we say a mitzvah bracha before reading Kohelet? What about other (non-Purim) megillot?
I'd like to add (because the question differentiated between Kohelet and the other 3: Rut, Eicha and Shir HaShirim) that even among those who do recommend saying a bracha when reading from a klaf, the …
Lighting Yom Tov Candles in the Sukka
Lechatchila, one should light Shabbat and Yom Tov candles where one is going to eat (Shulchan Aruch 273:7 and Mishna Berura there), which in this case is the Sukkah. However, the Talmud (Sukkah 29a) e …
Does the Date of Sukkot Correspond to Any Particular Event?
Additionally, it's a harvest moon and Sukkot is the Holiday of the Harvest. …
Leishev Basukkah before Shehechiyanu or after?
(This is also why we don't say a Shehechiyanu on the Lulav on the second day of Sukkot, but we do on the Shofar on the second day of Rosh HaShana.) …
Bracha Lesheiv B'Suka when making Havdala
According to most Rishonim (including Rambam, Rif, Rosh and Tur (see Beit Yosef OC 639)) you say a Bracha whenever you walk into the Sukkah and this would be no exception. Some Achronim rule this way …
Wearing Tefillin on Sukkot?
Tefillin may not be donned on Shabbat and Yom Tov (Menachot 36b, Shulchan Aruch OC 31:1).
Rav Yosef Karo (ibid :2) rules that the days of Chol HaMoed are included in this prohibition, but Rav Moshe I …
What happens if someone misses a day of Bahab?
Based on Shulchan Arukh OC 568:1-2, if someone forgot and ate on a fast day with a fixed date, he doesn't have to fast a different day instead, and the communal Bahab in Iyar and Marcheshvan is consid …
If someone eats in the succah anyways while it's raining, do they need to stay in the kosher...
According to the Gra (Commentary to OC 639:5) a three-walled structure with a plant-based roof that has rain leaking in it is not a Sukkah at all. Thus it doesn't really matter where you sit because t …
How cold is too cold to sleep in the sukkah?
Sukkot always falls in September or October. …
Why is Hallel different in Sukkot and Pesach (chol ha-moed)?
The Yerushalmi (Sukkah 5:1) answers simply that Hallel is read all week on Sukkot due to the ongoing Mitzva of the Lulav (which is taken and waved during Hallel). … The Bavli (Arachin 10) answers that since each day of Sukkot has its own unique Korban Musaf (the number of bulls changes each day, cf. …
Four Minim blessing with a lack of one Hadas myrtle
This basically happened once to Rabbenu Meshullam. One year he accidentally forgot to put the Aravot in his Lulav-bundle and he only noticed after already shaking the deficient bundle and doing someth …
Can you build a succah on Sukkot?
This is a Machloket in the Talmud (Sukkah 27b, see OC 637) and the Halacha follows the Sages that one can start building a Sukkah on Chol HaMoed. Even R Eliezer who argued there agreed that if one's S …
Can we eat in a Sukkah standing?
You can eat in a sukkah standing up (as regards the lawa of sukkot). …