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Pidyon Peter chamor on c section born donkeys

Does the mitzvah of Pidyon Peter Chamor (redeeming the firstborn donkey), apply if the donkey was born through C section (caesarean section)? Or does the Halakha not consider that is birth for the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can pregnant women look at animals? [duplicate]

Ive heard that pregnant women should not look at animals. What is the inyan behind pregnant women not looking at animals?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Can a pregnant woman go to aquariums?

Some have the custom that pregnant women do not go to zoos. (See here) Does this custom extend to aquariums too?
chortkov2's user avatar
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Is there a special status for the offspring of an animal that was dedicated for a Karban?

For example, if someone in the time of the temple dedicated a cow for a Karban, and before they could bring it to be sacrificed it became pregnant (or impregnated another cow), would its calf have any ...
zaq's user avatar
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Does the colouring of animals depend on what the mother sees before conception?

What is the meaning of the strategies (hishtadlus) that Yaakov made with the conception of the animals starting at 30 (37)? Is it or was it a natural thing that the colouring of animals depends on ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Is there an issue with ladies looking at animals when they are pregnant?

Is there an issue with ladies going to the zoo or looking at animals in general when they are pregnant? I've heard it may be specific to ugly animals (e.g. monkeys) so as not to scare the mother. Or ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar