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Questions tagged [peter-chamor]

questions pertaining to "pidyon peter chamor" ie the redeeming of a firstborn male donkey

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Is Peter chamor done if the owner of the first born donkey is a kohen or Levite

According to Halacha, if a first born male donkey is owned by a kohen or Levite is Pidyon peter chamor required? Or no is it exempt because of the owner’s status?
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Pidyon Peter chamor on c section born donkeys

Does the mitzvah of Pidyon Peter Chamor (redeeming the firstborn donkey), apply if the donkey was born through C section (caesarean section)? Or does the Halakha not consider that is birth for the ...
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Is there a way to find out where a Pidyon Peter Chamor will be performed?

I am planning on being in Israel later this summer, IY"H. I'd like to do a few "unusual" things (call it my "mitzvah bucket list") that I may not do otherwise. I've never been to a pidyon peter ...
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