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Do walk-in closets need a mezuzah

According to the Halacha, do walk-in closets need a mezuzah? Or no, since they are not regularly lived in are they exempt from having a mezuzah?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can left handed people place a mezuzah on left side of doors

The basic halacha is that a mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door. My question is, if a person is left handed is it permissible for them to attach it to the left side of the door? Or ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Does a jail-cell need a mezuzah?

Does one in jail need to put a mezuzah on his cell? Assuming this is a standard American jail. If it is a jail owned by a Jew, is there an obligation on the inmate or the owner?
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Why doesn't Rambam mention how many mitzvot are violated by not wearing tzitzit and not having a mezuzah?

In Hilchot Tefillin 4:26 Rambam writes: וכל שאינו מניח תפילין עובר בשמונה עשה שהרי בארבע פרשיות צוה על תפילין של ראש ועל תפילין של יד Whoever does not wear tefillin transgresses eight positive ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can a security camera be placed in a Mezuzah?

I saw this question posted on another forum and I didn't see any valid answers or conclusions. If a person had a Mezuzah case which was fitted with a hidden security camera, would that impact the ...
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Mezuzah scroll upside-down on the door. Is the mitzva being fulfilled?

I observe that a mezuzah is attached to the door with the top of the mezuzah directed to the top of the door. I am looking for sources to answer this question: If a mezuzah were (accidentally) ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What if a Mezuzah is mistakenly removed?

Say a non-Jewish tradesman, like a painter, is working on a door and removes the Mezuzah without really knowing what he's doing. Is the Mezuzah still kosher? Could I say a Bracha and put it back as ...
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