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Downloading music from the internet onto my computer [duplicate]

I was online and I found the song Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li by Shloime Gertner on youtube. Then I used a conversion program to convert the video into an mp3 file and afterwards download the file to my ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Recordings of Baer and Lewandowski

Chazzanim Avraham Baer z"l and Louis Lewandowski a"h created some of the most important books of chazzanut of the 19th century. בעל תפלה oder Der Praktische Vorbeter and Kol Rinnah U'Tefillah recorded ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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787 views, what happened to it?

There used to be a website,, with a huge trove of music and shiurim. It got hacked at some point; the site was removed and access to the files was presented through For the last ...
Mauro Braunstein's user avatar
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3 answers

Online resources for traditional Ashkenazi Rosh Hashana melodies?

I received a request for help this afternoon and it's already Shabbat in the requester's time zone, so I'm asking on her behalf. A small community has just lost their Rosh Hashana sh'liach tzibbur ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Source online for the melody of "yetziv pisgom" said in the Haftorah for second day Shavous

Please can someone direct me to a source on-line for the melody of "yetziv pisgom" said in the Haftorah for second day Shavous?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
14 votes
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Is downloading pirated music stealing?

Either way, it should be frowned upon as not a nice thing to do, but would it actually be assur?
zaq's user avatar
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Jewish Online Music Radio Stations

I would like to get a list of all online radio stations that only play Jewish music. Absolutely no Kol Isha, please (or better yet, specify which one's do have Kol Isha so that women will know). I'll ...
yydl's user avatar
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