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Is synthetic sapphire as kasherable as the natural version? [closed]

I understand that stone may be kashered for dishware. Although expensive, natural sapphire is considered stone. The chemical formula for sapphire is corundum, aluminum oxide, doped with elements for ...
eternalsquire's user avatar
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Did the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden have sapphire?

I heard one teaching that Moshe's staff was sapphire, and another that it was the Tree of Life. Is there any connection between the two, like maybe the fruits on the Tree of Life were like sapphires ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Choshen HaMishpat according to Rabbeinu Bechaye

I know that there is a discussion about which were the stones attached to the Choshen HaMishpat. What is the opinion of Rabbeinu Bechaye about this? According to him, which were the stones?
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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What stone prevents miscarriage?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (303:24) writes: יוצאה באבן תקומה [פי' הערוך אבן ידועה שכשהיא על אשה לא תפיל] - women are allowed to walk outside on shabbos with an even tekuma used to prevent ...
NJM's user avatar
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Wearing a birthstone or simply a gemstone as a man

Is a birthstone or any gemstone for that matter kosher for a man to wear (e.g: around the neck) according to the Rabbis or is it prohibited as 'You shall not wear a woman's garment as that is a ...
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