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17 votes
6 answers

Why don't we thank God for making us men/women?

In the brachos we say every morning, men thank God for "not making them a woman" (and women thank God for "creating them according to their needs"). Why don't both men and women just thank God for ...
2 votes
1 answer

Eved Knani versus a Woman

In terms of obligation in mitzvos, what is the difference between an Eved Knani and a woman? And if they are the same, why do we have two separate brachos for each in the morning prayers?
1 vote
1 answer

Why do we say "shelo asani isha" everyday? [duplicate]

Why is it that we say shelo asani isha/sheasani kirtzono every day? Presumably we would only need to thank Hashem once for making us the gender he made us.