Linked Questions

15 votes
2 answers

Jewish definition of a charity

I know that Jews are supposed to give 10% of their income to charity, but what constitutes a charity? I know that Shuls, Jewish schools and poor people in your community count, but what about secular ...
Ken's user avatar
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What are Acceptable Uses of Tzeddakah? [duplicate]

Maimonides opined that there are eight levels of tzedakah: From the lowest level of giving charity unwillingly or begrudgingly to the highest level of offering a loan, partnership or job to help ...
JJLL's user avatar
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How can tzedakah to the needy of Israel be justified?

In the Yad, the Rambam gives a set of priorities about tzedakah that could be summarized "near before far" except for the #1 priority of ransoming the captive. (Matenot Aniyim, 10.5) How does giving ...
Rachel18's user avatar
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What is the mitzvah of tzedakah dependent on?

We learn in the Rambam commentary on Avos (3:19) that it is preferable to give a little bit of tzedakah to many people than a few large amounts to a few people. When does one fulfil the mitzvah of ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Tzedakah for non-observant Jews

According to Halacha, do Jews fullfill their obligation of donating tzedakah if they give it to non-observant Jews? Or no, if a Jew is not religiously observant does it not fullfill the mitzvah of ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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May I fulfil all or part of my maaser requirements with the amount of tax that I pay that goes to welfare, medicaid and food stamps? [duplicate]

משום דרכי שלום, tzedakah can be given to all people. Welfare and food stamps should be then defined as tzedakah as it's given to all people under the poverty line, Jewish or not. Medicaid should ...
J G's user avatar
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Can a non-Jew give tzedakah?

I saw videos on YouTube from Rebbe Lubavitch saying to give money to tzedakah to run better on business and to be blessed. I'm giving money for a Jewish charity institution in Brazil monthly to test ...
Jordan Gaspar's user avatar
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Does giving donations necessarily mean it's tzeddakah?

BS"D How can giving a donation (based on US law that it is a contribution towards a non-for-profit 501c3 organization) to a very affluent shul, yeshiva, or other mosed still Halachically count as ...
DoreshEmet's user avatar
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Who takes priority when giving Tzedakah

I have recently been hit with some financial issues, so I have to tighten my wallet. Who takes priority in the giving of Tzedakah?
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Clarifying exactly the halacha of Maaser [duplicate]

In the past several months I've been deducting 10% of my income and setting it aside. I'm starting to feel confused about whether I'm doing it correctly. I have some accumulated money ready to give to ...
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