Assume a scenario where a man's wife requires extra help at home during a busy part of the day and requests that her husband skip minyan (and daven alone) in order to help her. (For example, let's say the woman recently gave birth and is very overwhelmed, and she requires extra help getting the children ready for school).
What considerations would be relevant to determining whether a man may skip prayer with a minyan under such a circumstance?1
Please provide sources that allow/prohibit this.
1 For example: (1.) Whether this is a case of a mitzva that cannot be handled by someone else. (1a.) If it can be handled by someone else, but only for a price. (2.) How this will affect harmony in the household. (3.) How it will affect the children's education if you help them go to school. (3a.) How it will affect the children's education if you show them that you will continue going to minyan under the circumstances. (4.) Whether the man lives in close proximity to a minyan. (5.) Whether the man would be the tenth person at the minyan, or is the only person that can perform some essential function, such as Torah reading, at the minyan.