It is documented in the R' Aryeh Kaplan translation of the sefer yetzeira regarding forming a humanoid from earth/clay (Golem) and engraving the name of God on his forehead then there are specific phrases to be said at specific intervals etc.
In On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism by Gershom Scholem there is a chapter dedicated to the topic of Golem. Starting on page 184 he cites 4 sources for the procedure including an incomplete set of instructions found in Emek HaMelech (1648) 10c-d, Eleazar of Worms Sefer HaShem ms Munich 81 Fol. 127b, Pseudo-Sadya Gaon commentary to Sefer Yetzeira (II,4) and Avraham Abulafia, Ner Elokim. I will cite the quote from Pseudo-Sadya Gaon on p.186
They make a circle around the creatures and walk around the circle and recite the 21 alphabets, as they are noted [the author seems to have in mind such tables as we actually find in Eleazar of Worms], and some say that the Creator put power into the letters, so that a man makes a creature from virgin earth and kneads it and buries it in the ground, draws a circle and a sphere around the creature, and each time he goes around it recites one of the alphabets. This he should do 442 [in another reading 462] times. If he walks forward, the creature rises up alive, by virtue of the power inherent in the recitation of the letters. But if he wishes to destroy what he has mad, he goes around backward, reciting the same alphabets from the end to the beginning. Then the creature sinks into the ground of itself and dies. And so it happened to R.I.B.E. [probably Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha] with his students who busied themselves with the Book of Yetzeira and by mistake went around backwards, until they themselves by the power of the letters sank into the earth up to their navels. They were unable to escape and cried out. Their teacher heard them and said: Recite the letters of the alphabet forwards and walk forward instead of going backward as you have been doing. They did so and were released.
On practical kabbalah I would also suggest perusing this site