I have a friend who has a habit of joking about being an apikorus (because he wears his peyos behind his ears). Beyond the strictly judgmental, is there a problem with self-referencing as an apikorus, particularly if one is known to be fromm (religious) and to believe in the ikarim?
1 Answer
I think that there is a general prohibition that one is not allowed to be self-disparaging. I haven't seen this as an actual issur - prohibition per se. However, there are many paragraphs in Pirkei Avot that in some way, mention that one should not do this. The two most notable that I can think of:
וְאַל תְּהִי רָשָׁע בִּפְנֵי עַצְמָךְ - Avot 2:13
Do not be a wicked person in your own eyes.
אל תהי בז לכל אדם - Avot 4:3
Do not disparage anyone (i.e. - including yourself. It does not say "anyone else")
An apikoros, as you know, does not receive commendations in the Talmud, or anywhere, in general, in Judaism. Self-evaluation is valuable if it is used to improve oneself. But, generally, a person should not publicize his own character faults other than for useful positive purposes. For example, if he had a flaw in the past that he has improved, it is very useful to teach others who have currently a similar flaw, his example of how he improved himself so that they learn to emulate how he improved.
This may not apply if the person is obviously joking as is the case in the question.– DanielCommented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:58