Just the other day in a Shul somebody was trying to tell me about a sefer which for each pasuk in the Chumash gives the places in the Talmud where that pasuk is discussed. I wish I’d paid more attention because that’s exactly what I need right now. Does anybody know which sefer does this?


3 Answers 3


The three-volume work תורה הכתובה והמסורה is probably what you're looking for. It's available on Hebrewbooks here: vol 1, vol 2, vol 3. The first volume is all of Torah, and the other two are for Nakh.


The Torah Temimah is exactly that. It does not necessarily include every reference to Gemara, but it includes plenty of them and with a running commentary that helps explain the references and make a lot of interesting connections.

I studied it for many years with a group led by Chaim Fruchter, who now has a weekly podcast of selected items from each week's Parasha available online.


Artscroll's mikraos gedolos has an anthology that draws from both Talmuds (j & b) called ליקוטי בבלי וירושלמי https://www.artscroll.com/Books/9781422616086.html , click "view inside" to see

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