Just the other day in a Shul somebody was trying to tell me about a sefer which for each pasuk in the Chumash gives the places in the Talmud where that pasuk is discussed. I wish I’d paid more attention because that’s exactly what I need right now. Does anybody know which sefer does this?
Many editions of Mikraot Gedolot contain a work like that called תולדות אהרן see hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14020&st=&pgnum=19 right above שפתי חכמים. Or did you want a dedicated volume?– Double AA ♦Commented Feb 25 at 3:12
judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/38398/… See if any comments or answers in this are it– Curious YidCommented Feb 25 at 3:42
2Note that Sefaria will do this for you, when you click on a verse and select Talmud in the related texts– mblochCommented Feb 25 at 3:55
3 Answers
The Torah Temimah is exactly that. It does not necessarily include every reference to Gemara, but it includes plenty of them and with a running commentary that helps explain the references and make a lot of interesting connections.
I studied it for many years with a group led by Chaim Fruchter, who now has a weekly podcast of selected items from each week's Parasha available online.
Artscroll's mikraos gedolos has an anthology that draws from both Talmuds (j & b) called ליקוטי בבלי וירושלמי https://www.artscroll.com/Books/9781422616086.html , click "view inside" to see