Every year I have a very similar list of aveiros that I want to stop. Practically, I know that it is too much to expect myself to have completely stopped all of them by next Rosh Hashana, so I prioritise and try to focus on some specific ones. However, that means that I'm effectively trying to do teshuva for some aveiros that I know that I'm likely to do again, and also that I'm likely to be doing aveiros that I intend to do teshuva for later.
I know that there is a principle that you can't do teshuva for an aveira if you do it while thinking that you are going to do teshuva later. But there are aveiros that I do that I regret even while I am doing them, but don't feel that I have the strength to stop (yet), but I would like to get to that point in the future. Does that mean that I'm never going to be able to do teshuva, because I intended to while I was doing the aveira, or does it only mean in a situation where someone is only doing the aveira because they think that they can do teshuva later and wipe it out?
Either way, I know that Yom Kippur wipes out aveiros and makes a clean slate, but it almost feels wrong that I can go through Yom Kippur and have my aveiros cleared off the sheet knowing even during YK that I am just going to do them again. Can I really expect those aveiros that I'm expecting to continue doing to be wiped clean by YK?