In different sources (Maggid HaRakiah, Inyanei Purim & Megilath Esther by Rav Daniel Glatstein, p. 65, ביני ובין בני ישראל, p. 41), the idea is echoed that the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) corresponds to the creation of the world. This idea can also be found in the Midrash (Tanchuma, Pekudei 3), where it says that the mishkan was equal to the whole world (שֶׁהַמִּשְׁכָּן שָׁקוּל כְּנֶגֶד כָּל הָעוֹלָם).
On the posuk "ואת המשכן תעשה עשר יריעות, "And you shall construct the Tabernacle out of ten strips of cloth " (Shemos 26:1), the Or HaChaim Hakadosh explains that these ten strips of cloth are an allusion to the ten utterances from with the world was created.
The Torah wants to tell us that construction of the Tabernacle was as important to G'd as creation of the universe itself. Constructing the Tabernacle would also confer as much merit on the Israelites as if they had personally brought about the creation of the universe which was created by means of ten directives.
In relation to the creation of the world, Tehillim 104:2 is being connected to the construction of the Mishkan (Shemos 26:7).
However, are there other sources that explain why the construction of the Mishkan equals the creation of the world and why, as the Or HaChaim says, that the construction of the Tabernacle was as important to G-d as the creation of the world?