At some point after the Moshaich comes, we will famously no longer have a Yeitzer Hara (e.g. Sukkah 52a).
At that time, will we still need the fences Chazal put around the Torah? I don't just mean the official סייגים, but any rules and regulations the Chachamim (even contemporary responsa) enacted for the sake of protecting ourselves from our Yeitzer Hara.
E.g. following the discussion in this question, it's becoming apparent that drugs are probably only forbidden by contemporary responsa because they are conducive to letting our Yeiter Hara take over, and are not banned d'oraita (don't view this as conclusive, it is still being discussed there). Same with being overly drunk. I just wonder what things will look like in a world where we have no Yeitzer Hara.
I ask because sometimes I feel like there is a bit of a downside to have fences. They, quite literally, "get in the way"*. Of course I understand and respect the divrei Torah that explain that the fences themselves are clever and holy insights into Hashem's ratzon, so I'm sure it will be a complicated scenario, but perhaps we can say that some fences around the Torah are just fences, nothing more, and without a Yeitzer Hara wouldn't be needed. So I am contemplating what the halachic scene will be when we have a much closer interface with Hashem's direct ratzon. So I don't seek answers that follow opinions or speak only of future situations when we do have a Yeitzer Hara, I'm strictly focused on the day when there isn't one.
* I.e. in the context of Yediyat Hashem, it's harder to get to know Hashem, which we do by learning what He wants, when we have some confusion about what He wants absolutely, and things He only wants in the context of a Yeitzer Hara. I'd wager the vast majority of people have no idea what laws are actually d'oraita and which are rabbinic enactments in the contexts of Yeiter Hara. I think this question has quite far implications, and touches on a lot of hot issues in halacha. Lots of arguments erupt as a result of this, e.g. when certain isolated Jewish communities in Africa who still practice Yibbum/Halitza are expected to give it up and take on Rabbinic decrees that happened to other communities at other times. As someone who loves Yediyat Hashem, I am very interested in questions like this.