I ran into an interesting dilemma

What should one do if one woke up after midnight, davened maariv, then realized one should recite morning brachos for the new day, which began after one woke up after midnight?

I've seen this question and answer Arvit/Maariv "after" Birkot HaShachar?

But there is one key point it didn't address, which is that many sources say that some brochos are covered by davening shacharis, and I haven't been able to find a source that distinguishes, logically between shacharis and maariv

Some say that the blessing of the torah is included in ahavas olam, but what about ahavas olam for maariv?

Also they say that elokei nishama is covered by michaye hamayseem, seemingly that should apply to maariv also, but I haven't been able to find any sources confirming or denying this

Sources I have found:





1 Answer 1


The Mishnah Berura in 47:13 clearly states that Birchas Krias Shema of Maariv would cover Birchas Hatorah:

ופשוט דה"ה בברכת אהבת עולם בערבית ג"כ שפוטרת דזיל בתר טעמא

However, as the Shulchan Aruch qualifies, it is contingent on learning immediately after davening.

In fact, in a case like yours, where one davens maariv and then stayed up the rest of the night, but did not learn immediately after Maariv, the MB clearly says in 47:28 that he would make a new Birchas Hatorah in the morning:

היה ניעור כל הלילה פסק הגאון רע"א דבזה לכו"ע צריך לברך בבוקר בה"ת ואין ברכת אהבת עולם של ערבית פוטרת אם לא למד מיד אחר התפלה

In regards to Elokai Neshama, the MB in 52:9 is not so sure that it is covered with Mechaye Meisim and strongly suggests one to have explicit kavanna that it should not cover, and then he can make the bracha afterwards (he’s referring to shachris, but the same can surely apply here as well)

ומ"מ יותר טוב לכתחלה לצאת אליבא דכו"ע דהיינו שאם התחיל כבר להתפלל ושכח מקודם ברכת א"נ =אלוקי נשמה= יכוין בפירוש בברכת ונאמן אתה שאינו רוצה לפטור בזה ברכת א"נ =אלוקי נשמה= ואז לכו"ע יברכנה אחר התפלה

  • Interesting is the last paragraph in shmoneh esray that starts with elokei and is just pesookkeem considered learning after maariv? If not what about those who have the custom to add verses that correspond to their name Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 9:52
  • This ignores the issue of if shema itself counts as learning after Ahavat Olam. It's indeed a huge chiddush that reading the verses of shema don't count as שנה על אתר [if we even hold like that yerushalmi and if the proper girsa isn't קרא על אתר which are both debated in the rishonim.] (Not to mention the verses of Baruch Hashem Leolam / Veshamru, the verses in Elohai Netzor, the verses in Alenu[, the verses in Ledavid] which all should clearly count.)
    – Double AA
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 12:44
  • The Mishnah Berura 47:15 explains why Shema and other prayers don’t count, since their really meant to be payers not learning. אם למד - דברכת אהבה רבה כיון דניתקן העיקר לק"ש לא מיתחזי לשם בה"ת אלא בשונה מיד
    – Chatzkel
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 13:18
  • @Chatzkel He explains (with a very difficult svara) why they wouldn't count according to the opinion that they don't. The fact remains that for many rishonim (following the pshat in the gemara) it does count.
    – Double AA
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 14:10
  • @double AA the Gr”a also says it doesn’t count, the Chazon Ish explains that Shema is a separate Mitzvah from Talmud Torah. Although one can use it to be yotzei, it is not considered part of Talmud Torah for the bracha
    – Chatzkel
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 19:48

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