The Sulchan Aruch in Orach Chayim 204:7 rules:
השותה מים לצמאו מברך שהכל ולאחריו בנ"ר אבל אם חנקתיה אומצא ושותה מים להעביר האומצא אינו מברך לא לפניו ולא לאחריו:
Whomever drinks water to quench one's thirst blesses through Whose word everything was created and Creator of many souls following its consumption. But if a thick piece of meat is pressing on one's throat and one drinks water to remove that piece of meat, one blesses neither before drinking the water nor following drinking the water.
Based on this ruling it is clear that one would not make shehakol on water if one is not drinking out of thirst.
What would the halacha be if one drinks so to not become thirsty. For example, if one goes on a trip and drinks water beforehand in order to not become thirsty on the trip, is that considered drinking out of thirst and requires a bracha, or do we say that because in the current situation no thirst is at hand, no bracha is required?