The Gemara (Shabbos 12b and Yuma 80a) list tanaim who kept records of their transgressions with the intention of bringing karbanot when the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt. The Magen Avraham (O"CH 334.33) codifies the obligation to keep record of any obligation that requires a korban.
The R"ma Mipano, famously quoted in the Bnei Yissaschar (Rosh Chodesh, Maamar 2), supposedly held that we will sacrifice all the daily offerings that we have missed since the destruction of the temple. This could be a possible explanation to what we say in Tefillas Mussaf - ואת מוסף יום השבת הזה נעשה ונקריב לפניך - the Mussaf of this Shabbos we will perform and sacrifice before You, indicating that we will in fact make up the missing Karbanos. This is contradictory to the dictum "עבר זמנו בטל קרבנו", which would indicate that we cannot make up for missing Korbanot after their time has passed.
Others (particularly in the Chassidish world) suggest that since we have a replacement for Karbanot (Menachos 110) by virtue of learning the Halachos of the Korbon, we will not be obligated to bring Karbanot when the Beis Hamikdash is rebuilt. This seems, however, contradictory to the Gemara (Shabbas 12b, Yuma 80a).
The prevalent custom, it seems, is not to keep records of transgressions.