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Questions related to how something was in the past, and how it's developed since then.

2 votes

What school of thought did the Jews of Mecca (or Bakkah) follow?

According to Dr. Yisrael Ben Ze'ev in his book "The Jews in Arabia" (היהודים בערב), pg. 111, note 13, there was no Jewish community in Mecca during the time of Muhammad, most likely because it was way …
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3 votes

After the destruction of the 2nd temple and Jerusalem, when, where and how did a new central...

Though I'm not sure this question is on-topic for this site, the Talmud in Gittin 56b tells us that during the Siege of Jerusalem, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai sneaked out of the city, met with Vespasian …
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3 votes

Who were the בני ברית מערביים mentioned in the Trumas HaDeshen, and what was their agenda?

According to Rabbi Yehudah Leib Maimon in Sefer Zikaron Leshlomo Meir Sali, this is a reference to some Sephardic Jews living in Eretz Yisrael who would inform on the Jews who came to live in Yisrael, …
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4 votes

Preservation of the text

The reference if I'm not mistaken is to Sefer Ha'azarah (ספר העזרה, the Book of the Temple Courtyard), a Torah scroll preserved in the Temple and used for making other Torah scrolls. This Torah scroll …
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2 votes

How would first-century Jews have understood "second death"?

The term "מותא תנינא" (or מותא תניינא) (Mota Taneina), Aramaic for "second death", appears in a few verses translated by Targum Jonathan, traditionally ascribed to the late-1st century BCE-early 1st c …
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2 votes

The Torah from The Dead Sea Scrolls

Emanuel Tov in part 2 of his series of articles on the history of the Masoretic Text (abbreviated MT): "No complete proto-MT scrolls have been found; just partial scrolls and fragments. …
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6 votes

When were the books and the text of the Torah settled?

As it happens, I'm now in the middle of reading a book called "Mevo Lekitvei Hakodesh" (Introduction to the Holy Scriptures) by Shmuel Shrira, which discusses the creation and canonization of the Scri …
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8 votes

Torah based on Mesopotamian (and other) sources

For example, Rabbi Alexander Hool in Pharaoh: Biblical History, Egypt and the Missing Millennium argues for Pharaoh Thutmose II. … Mitchell First brings a vast majority of the various opinions in his book Jewish History In Conflict (parts of it can be read here). …
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5 votes

What would have been the nature of the religion of Galileans in the second temple period?

This understanding of the verses in Hoshea loses sight of the framework of the first chapters of Hoshea. As the Talmud in Pesachim 87 put it (emphasis mine): "The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Hos …
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0 votes

How often did the average Israelite bring offerings to the temple?

Note: Most of this stuff was explained to me by one of my history professors. …
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7 votes

The history of Rabbi Samuel the Israelite

Orah Limor in her book in Hebrew "Between Jews and Christians: Jews and Christians in Western Europe Until Modern History", Vol. 3, pg. 87, most scholars believe that the epistle was written by a Christian … gave him a good knowledge of Arabic, allowing him to translate several texts: an apocryphal History of the patriarch Joseph (1336), a Life of Sr Anthony the Hermit (1341). …
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0 votes

What did the Second Beis Hamikdash look like before Herod renovated it?

Note that Herod was not the first to renovate the Second Temple. Prof. Yosef Patrich divides the Second Temple period into four stages per versions: The original version, built in the Persian period. …
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10 votes

How many editions of the "Authorised Daily Prayer Book" have there been?

Partial answer: According to this listing by a person who has been collecting all editions, there are 33 editions as of 2006, with further printings without changes from later years. Another edition w …
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5 votes

What is the timeline of the 24 books of Tanach?

Seder Olam Rabbah provides the basis of the traditional Jewish chronology of the Tanach. Corresponding years can be seen in the timeline that @sabbahillel linked. With regards to your wanting to see w …
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1 vote

Who built the first Jerusalem wall and when?

Yigal Shiloh, who oversaw archeological digs in Yerushalayim between 1978 and 1985, dated the Middle Bronze Age wall to circa 1800 BCE (Qedem 19, pg. 12). From around this time we have the Execration …
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