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Does one make bracha when tasting food?

Does one make bracha when tasting food? If one were to taste food and immediately spit it out, presumably he wouldn't have to make a bracha. But what if he/she wants to see if it goes down smoothly or ...
DonCorleone's user avatar
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When to say brocha when making a L'chaim

I have always been confused about l'chaims (toasts). At what point does one make the blessing on the drink? Which part--the "l'chaim" or the blessing--immediately precedes taking a sip? Usually when ...
SAH's user avatar
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Do you make a bracha achrona if the food you ate was bad?

Similar to this question, but I ask specifically about bracha achrona -- with the presumption that you probably made a bracha rishona before you ate. (Not that those mitzvot are necessarily linked, ...
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