There is a halacha known as Bal Teshaktzu which prohibits from engaging in any activity that could be viewed as disgusting (see e.g., Avoda Zara 68b). Whether this applies to blood can be derived from SA YD 116:6
It is prohibited to eat food and drinks that a person's soul is
disgusted by, such as drinks and food that have vomit or feces mixed
with them, and rotten moisture and things like this. It is assur to
eat and drink from dirty vessels that a person's soul is disgusted by
them, like bathroom vessels and glass vessels that they let blood
R Ari Enkin here expands
The Torah considers human dignity to be of primary importance and it
is even a factor when deciding halachic matters. [...] One is
forbidden to eat any food that most people find disgusting even if one
happens to enjoy it. (O.C. Y.D. 116:6, Kaf Hachaim 116:66, Rambam
Ma’achalot Assurot 17:29) [...] So too, although eating certain bugs
and even drinking urine is essentially permissible, these things should
not be done under the principles of Ba’al Teshaktzu. (Tosfot Chullin
66a, Rema Y.D. 13:1, Shach Y.D. 81:3)
Therefore it appears prohibited to drink blood even if it is clear to all this is human blood. Yuk!