I've seen many blogs and other modern day books write that men have more Chochmah than women. Some examples:
A man’s forte is chochma, and a woman’s is binah.
Men are from Chochmah; Women are from Binah
Men's brains with their superior Chochmah mode...
Women are more attuned to binah and malchut. Men are more inclined to chochma and tiferet.
Is there a valid source for this? The closest thing I'm aware of is Yomah 66b
אין חכמה לאשה אלא בפלך וכן הוא אומר (שמות לה, כה) וכל אשה חכמת לב בידיה טוו
but I don't think that's a valid Mekor at all. See the end of this article for example. Also see there for a number of sources that women are referred to as having significant amounts of Chochmah (although there's no implication there who has more- men or women).