The weekday minyan I go to only says Hallel if there is a minyan present. (I'm talking about for Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah, and chol hamoed; I don't know if their practice differs for chagim but I don't think so.) Today I learned in a comment here that others hold differently: says “One May say Hallel alone and at home if necessary.” The site quoted above has a comment “What about Hallel? .. I am fond of a Sefaradi sidur (Bnei Tzion) where it says that Hallel (113-118) is said only with minian ...”… says “In truth, the requirement is not for a minyan, per se; even having three people present, so that one leads "Hodu" and the others respond, may suffice. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 422:2; Mishneh Berurah 422:18)”. – Avrohom Yitzchok
So now I'm wondering -- are there other credible opinions that do require a minyan (and my minyan may be following one of them), could there be some other custom at play here, or is this likely to be an error? The minyan is not of Sephardic background. (Past questions of the form "why do we do..." have been met with "that's what we've always done" with nobody seeming to know why.)