I am having a hard time making heads or tails of the story of the destruction of Sodom and the vicinity. All questions below are questions about the narrative of the story based on the interpretation of Chazal and Rashi.
Why is Ammorah (Gomorrah) punished if all the evil seems to only be occurring in Sodom? For example, chazal see the "cry of Sodom and Ammorah" (Bereshis 18:20) as referring to torture performed in Sodom only (see Sanhedrin 109a-b). I am not aware of any source that shows any evil doings in Ammorah at all.
It seem that in fact there were were 5 cities scheduled to be destroyed (hence Avraham's initial request of 50 righteous people - see Rashi to Bereshis 18:24). However, similar to the previous question, if there is only an outcry from 2 (really 1) why are these other cities being destroyed?
Was the city of Tzoar in fact saved because of Lot (19:21, Rashi)? If this is the case then why was Lot removed from Sodom by the angel in the first place? Meaning, if Lot (and his daughters) have enough merit to save a city, why do they only have enough to save Tzoar, and not Sodom?
If Tzoar is saved, why does Lot leave? It says he was afraid (19:30) but gives no indication as to why.
Why didn't the Angel just take Lot out of the entire vicinity instead of only out of Sodom (19:16)?