From your comment:
There were 19 rings made. 3 were given to the elves, and 7 to the dwarves
and 9 were given to men. But there was another ring apart, to bind them. One ring to
rule them all.
This is the Sefirot. The three rings for the elves are Chochma, Bina and Da'at, the Mochin מוחין. The 7 middot were given to the dwarves and the 9 rings given to men hint to the letter Tet ט, which is like an empty vessel ready to receive. That the 9 is comprised of 3 times 3, alluding to the 3 aspects of the service of all mankind (that שם וחם ויפת, the three sons of Noah, who are the ancestors of all mankind, are comprised of 9 letters), through thought מחשבה, speech דבור and action מעשה, Teshuvah תשובה, Tefillah תפילה and Tzedakah צדקה, Fasting צום, Voice קול (including the voice of the Shofar) and Money ממון.
The 1 ring apart, (the 20th ring) to rule them all is Keter. That the letter Kaf כ is 20 and stands for the Crown כתר of Kingship.
In the books by Tolkien, it is explained that the 20th ring bound the others together and ruled them through the desire for gold.
According to Chassidus, Keter is sometimes equated with Ratzon, which can be thought of as a dictator, meaning a determinator of ultimate expression. Keter is makif. But Keter is also associated with desire תאוה, that which precedes even the level of will רצון, like is found in the first chapter of volume one in Sefer HaMa’amarim בשעה שהקדימו by the Rebbe Rashab. And this is based upon the teaching from Midrash Tanchuma:
אָמַר רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָן, בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁבָּרָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אֶת הָעוֹלָם, נִתְאַוָּה שֶׁיְּהֵא לוֹ דִּירָה בַּתַּחְתּוֹנִים
If considering the expression, Rings of Power טבעות פווור, by spelling the word "power" phonetically, it will include the Nekuda of Cholam, which also pertains to what transcends even Keter in the kabbalistic concept of Crowns תגים, Ta'amim טעמים (also called Trop), Vowels נקודות, and Letters אותיות. It is represented orthographically with letter "Vav". Similarly, the "W" sound is usually represented with a double "Vav". So the inner letters of the word פווור are 3 "Vavs" or Chai, חי. The word פווור is in small sum, 26, which is represented in prayer as יי. If you look at the small sum of the name represented by יי, meaning יאהדונהי (the name indicating G-d's Kingship), you discover a gematria of 28, כח, which means "power". Rings of Power!
Rings are also associated with and compared to Jewish marriage, symbolizing the union between husband and wife. A ring has no beginning, no end, no Above and no below. It is also the symbol of the eternal bond between G-d and the Jewish people. That the No expressed in all these dimensions actually alludes to the ascending levels of Bittul, nullification of the sense of self that makes possible the true union. In the language of Chassidut, this is compared to the moon one instant before the Molad, when it is at its smallest point, when there is not even a point of light. לית לה מגרמא כלום
And like is noted in the answer from @The GRAPKE, "In a private letter, Tolkien explains that it was actually impossible to destroy the ring because as the ring bearer approached the place of creation of the One Ring, the lust for power would inevitably overwhelm him. It was only the guiding hand of God that pushed Gollum and caused him to fall into the lava flow, causing the destruction of the One Ring."
In this context, it should also be noted that the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai is compared to a marriage between HaKadosh, baruch Hu (the King) and the Jewish people (the Queen). The mountain served as the Chuppah and the Torah was the Ketubah. Moshe was the escort of the King and Aharon was the escort of the Queen (Kenesset Yisrael).