What's the correct bracha for a bacon cheeseburger?
If it's on a bread roll, it's easy, hamotzi, but what if it's on a delectable mazonot roll? What if it's served in a lettuce wrap?
Does it make a difference if it's milchig, fleishig, pareve, vegetarian, or vegan?
What about crunchy condiments like BacOs (OU Pareve)? Do they even count towards the minhag of eating bacon cheeseburgers on Purim?
You can't put salmon bacon on a beef burger, of course, and turkey bacon on a mushroom burger doesn't appeal to my personal tastes, but there's a huge variety of choices that are available to suit just about anyone's preferences. (Speaking of personal preferences, though, as of 2024 most pareve cheese is suboptimal, in my mind. Seitan bacon, nut and bean burger, and real Cheddar cheese is my recommendation.)