There is a term called מְדִינַת הֲלָכָה - Halachic State. On Wikipedia (not a reliable source, but could not find anything else), it says:
A Halachic State is a Jewish state that endorses Judaism in an official capacity and derives most or all aspects of governance from halakha
Where did this term come from and has it any backing up in sources of halacha? Are there even poskim or other sources that discuss this term and the meaning behind it and what the requirements are to be a halachic state?
The reason why I ask, is because I was baffled about something I read on how the Knesset works. Refer to here:
אפילו יהי' חוק העוקר כל התורה כולה אם תקבל הסכמת הרוב הרי זה יתקבל לחוק כי בפירוש הותנה הרבה פעמים שאין המדינה מדינת הלכה רק מדינת חוק