People have said, and I have seen mentioned on this site that owning land/property/apartment in Israel is enough on its own to keep 1 day when in Israel. Is there a source for this? A shita that the only criteria to be considered Israeli for 1 day is owning land?
The case would be someone living outside of Israel, has no intention of living in Israel, and comes lets say for 10-15 days a year to Israel. They are in Israel at least one chag, but no more than 2 a year. And they own an apartment. Is there a source that this guy would keep 1 day because he owns an apartment? Exclude all the opinions that hold that he would keep 1 day even if he did not own an apartment.
I know Rav Auerbach requires an apartment but that is in addition to being in Israel for all 3 festivals every year. Halachapedia says
If someone owns an apartment in Israel .... Some however hold that one should keep one day.
But the note links that to making full time aliya. However I could not find any reference to it in the source material.