Suppose 'teleportation' like the transporter in star trek - where you are disassembled atom by atom, and reassembled in another location - becomes a reality. It will then likely become the most ubiquitous way for people to travel around - to/from work, on vacation, anywhere.
We can also imagine this teleportation being done slowly in parts, where let's say a leg is disassembled then reassembled elsewhere, followed by an arm, followed by bones and organs in some sequence, followed by small portions of the brain. In this way, there may be no single point in time at which the original is 'dead' and the copy is 'alive' - or at least no line that can be drawn unambiguously.
What would halacha say about it? Would it consider it as murder, since the original is disassembled? Or maybe it'd be ok since the person is recreated elsewhere and continues to live there, and moreover from a subjective viewpoint it would feel like a continuous experience - not unlike going to sleep on an airplane and waking up in another country.