There are many laws regarding the administering of lashes for a person who transgressed a Torah law that carried such a penalty.
To name a few:
39 lashes are the maximum number of lashes given (Rambam, Hilchos Sanhedrin 17:1)
Lashes are administered in sets of 3- 1/3 on his chest, 1/3 on his left shoulder, 1/3 on his right shoulder (Ibid 16:9)
If he urinates or releases his bowels while being lashed, he's exempt from the remaining lashes (Ibid 17:5)
The object used for lashes was a strap of calf's leather folded into two, and a second one, making four, and two straps of donkey leather attached to it that rise and descend with it (Ibid 16:8)
A weaker person should be the one administering the lashes (Ibid 16:9)
However, Chazal also had the ability to administer "makas mardus" (Rabbinically mandated rebellious lashes).
Were all these types of details ALSO followed when Rabbinically mandated lashes ("makas mardus") were administered?